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The Belons fantasy box

The Belons fantasy box

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Tiny goblin wolf chariots

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 5
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Bam ? Goblin chariots of DoomBam ? Goblin chariots of Doom
Tiny goblin wolf chariots

Thought i would have a go at painting tiny goblins first.

The old warmaster models are amazing with as much detail as there larger counterparts.

i found contrast paints very useful for the wooden chariots and the black robes on the goblins.

I think all units in a fantasy army should have a flag so i built banner poles out of matchsticks and greenstuff.
then glued tinfoil to paper and folded it over the pole gluing it to the other side this gave me banners that i can bend into shape.

im pretty pleased with the snow base.

its a mix of bicarb and pva with a dash of water. I mixed it till it was a thick paste then slapped it on with a cocktail stick.

its a cheap way to make snow that looks pretty cool.

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