24 Hour Paintathon for a Seraphon / Lizardmen Start Collecting box
Foliage and another layer of Water Effect
So not much happened, just another layer today (and yesterday) of the water effect. Some bases will need another one before I can add the Wave effects and then another day till I can do the Foam. So at least three more days for the water effect.
Again I used the AK Interactive Water Gel, but this time the complete Translucent one. I added some leaves here and there into the layers as well to get the impression of wild water running through a forest taking debris with it.
I did a bit of painting on Tuesday night but needed something different, so except another layer of Contrast paint, I did not work on the Lizards, but I did finish finally the Ork fliers from the Wings of Vengeance box for Aeronautica Imperialis.
However, I managed to find my Foliage collection and started preparing the palm trees, ferns, and jungle plants to follow. I primed those, as they would look very tacky and glossy plastic, and had to remove some heavy mould lines. They’re of the very cheap variant from Amazon, but with a bit of work, they look lovely.
So these will be added shortly, and then once they are painted and on the bases, we’ll add the Dust and weathering powders.
I still need to get a good amount of painting done, but the riders are coming along well, and the Warriors should not be that much work, and as I have the colour scheme for them, that should go quick enough.
The Goal, for now, is to finish this by the end of the weekend.
if you want to tune in live, tonight 20:30 GMT Adeptus Titanicus https://www.twitch.tv I’d love to see you there 🙂
As I said not much happened on Tuesday regarding the Lizards, but for the sake of completeness here is a picture.
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