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Scenery One Day Build

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10
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Scenery One Day Build

Any of you who watch Adam Savage on the Tested YouTube channel (and you all should as it has much content that is perfect viewing while hobbying) will have seen his “One Day Build” videos, almost all of which infamously took more than a day to film/complete. This is just like that.
Of course, for me completing one mini in two days is fast. 36 was amazing. It was an exercise in compromise—I don’t mean this to be a humble brag but rather an example of what you can do if you are intentional about the corners you cut. I’m sure most of you are well aware of the corners but as this is my first time painting terrain I had to learn.
Some high points for me:

  • The “glass” effect on the car and shop windows. I was tempted to spend a bunch of time with the airbrush but I cribbed these streaks off the rules manual pictures and I find it sells it quite nicely.
  • The color shift paints worked very well and very quickly on the cars. Make sure to throw a coat of matte varnish on them after the color shift dries if you’re going to do any other painting as the next layer of paint will run all over your beautiful paint job and you’ll be starting over after trying to save it by running it under the tap (did this not once but thrice—I’m a slow learner.
  • The weathering on the top of dump truck. This was a complete happy accident as i carelessly got some smears of black there and had to save it. A quick dab with a couple of different colors (brown and orange) with a sponge and I’m quite pleased with the result. That’s now something I’m not quite as intimidated by.

All told, a satisfying experience. Not going to do it most of the time as I love getting lost in the detail work and layers of highlights and washes. However, nice to know I can and really nice to have the terrain ready to go for my second game. (BTW this is much more terrain than comes in the base set. I ordered two of the additional scenery packs by mistake and figured that since they were there…)

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