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Esoteric spring cleaning

Esoteric spring cleaning

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Oil 3. No more oil.

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 7

And as promised yesterday, bellow you’ll see the final photos.

In my opinion, apart from being bones and thus not having any details, he lacks some highlight, that is because I didn’t manage to mix anything like sunny skintone or ivory, the colours I usually use as final highlights.

Anyway, I really liked painting with oil paints and would recommend it to anyone, especially if you want to practice wet blending/two brush blending.

For my next oil-painting project I need to buy some stuff: drying medium, translucent medium, short bristled synthetic brush and two or three additional colours. Fun fact, I used grand total of 7 colours to paint that figure.

Oil 3. No more oil.
Oil 3. No more oil.
Oil 3. No more oil.
Oil 3. No more oil.
Oil 3. No more oil.

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ShingenelcommiAvernos Recent comment authors
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looks fantastic, really enjoyed seeing you giving oil a try. Liquin is both a glaze and a drying medium, so a two for one there 🙂
Did you put the oils on a pallet or cardboard before painting?
Putting it on a piece of cardboard draws out oil, it speeds up the drying time but still gives you hours or so to work with it


Loved reading this. I’ve been toying with the idea of oils for months now. Might finally jump in!
How thick do you use the paint? Do you think it down so it’s like acrylic consistency?

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