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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Artillery bases

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Base with foam core to 'mark the space'Base with foam core to 'mark the space'

I’ve reduced the pictures as I couldn’t get it to post with a picture heavy content, so hopefully this will still be clear.

Start with base on which general space is delineated with off cuts of foam core.  On this foundation a layer of DAS air drying clay is fixed to give more form and volume.

During drying the gabions are pressed into the clay to make an initial impression for later gluing and the basis for two small waddle fences are begun by gluing toothpicks in place. Note always have an ODD number of uprights or the later weaving of thick Yarn will not work.

Coffee sticks are stuck down to act as planks of wood, and the waddle fence is begun. Coffee sticks are stuck down to act as planks of wood, and the waddle fence is begun.

The image shows how the DIY fence sits between the purchased gabions.  I will try to make my own gabion for the next one.  I’ll use the same approach, an odd number of uprights and weave through with stiff cotton yarn.

The finished fence is ‘fixed’ with a PVA solution, about 60/40, and once dry the entire base is primed with artists acrylics, and flock.

Primed and ready for flockingPrimed and ready for flocking
Figures fixed in place - gap for the gunFigures fixed in place - gap for the gun
Ready to Fire!Ready to Fire!

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