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Worm time

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Worm time

This was is a reaper bones mini I intended as a burrow worm and when I order it I thought it would be grey resin just like the other stuff I have from the Kickstarter however this was some white flexible material I have never run across before. If you drop miniatures a lot then you will love this stuff as bends a great deal but for me it made cleaning the mold lines off very difficult as it tears if you try and scrape them off, they must be cut off with a very sharp knife.

The colour scheme had a bit of a false start in that I primed it with wrathbone and then hit it with magos purple but I wasn’t happy with the results, so I give it a coat of emperors children and then applied the magos purple and I was much happier with the result, much more purpler.

The mouth parts where mephiston red with a wash of carroburg crimson, with claws and teeth based with game colour bonewhite and then a wash around the base of agrax earthshade.

The eyes just have warp lightning over the wrathbone.

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