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Cyberpunk Advertising Signs

Cyberpunk Advertising Signs

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Now available in portrait or landscape

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I’ve been pretty busy with a couple of other projects in recent weeks (and one particular one which is a real black hole for hobby time) but after seeing some awesome satirical adverts on a Facebook group, I decided to update the firmware on my cyberpunk city billboards.

Now they can be used in either portrait (upright) or landscape (sideways) orientation.

A guy called Matt came up with some brilliant spoof adverts, so I wrote some tools to convert his images into the appropriate ones and zeros and stuffed them into the onboard eeprom. The result was pretty impressive.

Now available in portrait or landscape

So I added a rechargeable battery (it was a left over Samsung phone lipo) and an on/off switch and sent him a cryptic message over the intertubes – send me your address and I’ll send you something cool for your adverts.

Amazingly, he did. So I did.

His cyberpunk junk city looks pretty impressive. And under muted lighting, the advertising billboard looks just great!

I’m calling this one done. Time to move on to the next project…..

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