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Emergency Miniature Work - 15mm USMC Super Cobra

Emergency Miniature Work - 15mm USMC Super Cobra

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Custom Counters for Community Download - Panzer Leader 1939-41 Counter Sets

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

Hello, everyone.  So as I’ve been uploading Panzer Leader 1940 videos, people have been commenting on some of the custom counters I create for these games.  People are also asking whether these counters are available for download.

Normally I reply to such inquiries with a polite “thank you for your support, but I don’t really play Panzer Leader in a physical format, so traditional .pdf countersheets aren’t usually a thing I put together …”

However, people have asked now here on OTT private message, my personal e-mail, YouTube, and Boardgame Geek.

So I have expanded the counter sets and created printable .pdfs people can download and use if they wish.

If nothing else, maybe crosslinking to this project will get people from our YouTube and BGG community to check out OTT.  😀

Here is a low-res preview of the German Infantry, Artillery, and Transport counter set.Here is a low-res preview of the German Infantry, Artillery, and Transport counter set.
Here is a low-res preview of the German Armor and Aircraft counter set.Here is a low-res preview of the German Armor and Aircraft counter set.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice! ?

I’m sure many will find these very useful.


Woo hoo! Thanks Jim! Hate to ask, or seem ungrateful… any French or Belgian counters?

Also, weren’t the Germans already using 88’s for anti-tank work at this time? I thought they turned them on some French Char B’s at some point.


These could seriously be professional. I mean I think they actually look better than the originals.


Excellent. Thanks for taking the time

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