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Gaz's Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2020

Gaz's Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2020

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My first Giant Bat for Empire of the Dead using a Titan Forge STL print. Now added my second.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Hey guys so another update to the list of random minis I have done. Today I picked up and put paint to one of the Giant Bats from the Titan Forge Patreon. This and other models from the TF Vampire range will make up the force for my Empire of the Dead Nosferatu force. This is a really nice mini with such a good level of details that it took very little to bring it to life.

First I applied a single layer of thinned down Basilicanum Grey (C).

Next, I applied thinned down Black Templar (C) to the areas of fur.

I placed some Fleshtearer Red (C) inside the mouth.

I then went back around with a second layer of thinned down Basilicanum Grey (C), this I used only in the shadows and to highlight the creases and the underside of the fingerlike areas.

Using Evil Sunz Scarlet (L) I put in the eyes and with Blood for the Blood God (T) bloodied up the mouth.

Finally I highlighted the fur with Dawnstone (L) and then washed the shadow areas with the remains of the thinned down Templar Balck (C).

My first Giant Bat for Empire of the Dead using a Titan Forge STL print. Now added my second.
My first Giant Bat for Empire of the Dead using a Titan Forge STL print. Now added my second.
My first Giant Bat for Empire of the Dead using a Titan Forge STL print. Now added my second.
My first Giant Bat for Empire of the Dead using a Titan Forge STL print. Now added my second.

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