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10mm Fantasy

10mm Fantasy

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This is the rhythm of the knight...

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

So, as I said earlier my Dwarf lists were ready, they are my fantasy army of choice so nothing could get in my way…

Then on having a look in our storage unit for a cot I found these

This is the rhythm of the knight...

They are some Kallistra medieval bits I bought years ago (Uni era I believe) as I was going to make generic armies focused on particular colours either for easier civil war stuff (reds v blues v greens etc) or group them together for something larger than DBA.

As you can see (apologies for any colour blind amongst you) these are my red forces.

They also by chance, happen to come to about 500 pts of WoE! I need to find a suitable 10mm Wizzard which the current struggle but one thing at a time!

Given this find, me unfortunately it’s good bye Dwarves and hello Good Sir Robin! I for the time being can sub in my Dwarves wiz to fill the gap unless a lil chap turns up who is better suited.

Army lists are still being finalised but should be up soon.

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huzzah gifts from past versions of ourselves are awesome, I also approve of the Osprey colour system of armies, something I have pondered on many occasions over the years

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