Kinda Spring Cleaning, Manny Joins the Army : A Kings of War Conversion
Manny-pedi, hi lights, and new contacts.
Manny gets pampered. Highlights are all reaper paints, to his coat using drybrush of golden shadow , and a second using gold. Shadow Mixed with Linen. Armor, spikes, n studs, dry brushed with more honed steel , then light With true silver. Tusks drybrushed with reaper ivory, then small detail of white overbrushed. Rope n wooden spikes drybrused golden shadow, then spikes highlight with golden shadow. Ropes some details with linen. Contacts are contrast blood angles, with Citadel Mephisto red highlight.
Pedi time . Now next level pampering begins. Base coat Wraithbone, washed with Contrast Nazdreg yellow, Dry brushed reaper polished bone. Manny is feeling fab.
Friggen bad ass!!!!
Great Job