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10mm Fantasy

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What to do with my free time (hahaha!)

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 9

So, with my paints at work, what to do with the time at home I would normally think about painting… dishes, ironing, spending time with the wife and kids….?

Nah, let’s plan more armies!

Yes armies… not army. My first thought was my Dwarves. I had the models set aside from some play testing I did so that seemed like an obvious and simple choice… BORING!

Well, not quite, but throughout this projects life I am aware there is another warband scale game that’s quite popular, I believe Lloyd and Gerry have taken the odd look at it as well… Saga!

So the logic is let’s “complete” an army for all systems as best we can from the start, so I took my 500pts if WoE, and worked out from what I own, (and can hopefully find) what else I would need to bring it up to 7-8 pts of saga goodness.

But why stop there… I recently acquired Oathmark… here, rather than point it up, I have decided to just round up all “types” to a multiple of 5 and ta da (I’m going to do a bigger post on Oathmark later onto discuss that and canvas opinions).

I should also observe that Dragon Rampart also came into this view, but as far as I can tell, there is nothing stopping every “unit” being a single model as long as you can mark its health in some way so I currently have no dedicated DR list.

I’ll end this here as dog needs walking and there is clapping to be done! If peeps are interested in the list/meta side of it, let me know and I can stick them up for you all to work out how to defeat me!

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nogbadthebadAvernos Recent comment authors
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yes plans, would love to see your working out

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