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Neves1789's Wargaming Collection

Neves1789's Wargaming Collection

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Ancients - Carthaginians and Numidians

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So with almost all my fantasy and scifi mini’s posted, I thought it time to move on to my historicals. I’ll kick it off with my ancients collection, which is coincidently also my oldest. 😀

More than 10 years ago now, I read a number of books on the Punic wars and fell in love with the idea of wargaming it. The system that my gaming group chose was Hail Caesar! which meant painting tons of mini’s (but also grand sweeping battles 😀 ) This was before the lovely Victrix plastics so I turned to mostly metal mini’s from Crusader, A&A, Foundry, Curteys, Warlord,… to build my Carthaginian force.

The idea is still to build a division worth of troops (4 or 5 infantry with 2 skirmishers and a cav unit) for every nationality. With five nationalities (Carthaginian, Numidian, Iberian, Celts and Italian Allies) this means plenty of work since every unit is at least 24 dudesmen.

This project has been on hold for a while since my group only gets to play a big HC battle once a year and my current collection is already outnumbering them 😀

Besides this Carthaginian core force, I’ve also got a full division of Celts and Italian Allies already painted (pics to follow). There’s also a load of unpainted figures waiting for some paint… (Elephants, Carth cav, Phyrric pikemen,…)

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