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2020 painting challenge and Hobby time

2020 painting challenge and Hobby time

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Overview update 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Total for the year going in to May:- bought 131 painted 78


I have sort of managed to keep buying down in April. With only one delivery of Mortal Realms this month being the only non 3D model bought. Unfortunately the 3D printer has been working quit a lot. 😀 .

Fortunately  most of what has been printed has also been painted.

So bought/made

1 Stormcaster  commander

2 Nighthaunts cavalry

3  Sigmarite Mausoleum buildings

1  Sigmarite Mausoleum statue

5 Raging Hero’s Pirates Of The White Sea

1 Assassin

10  Graven Guilds kickstarter Hexton Hills tiles

2 Tiger

1 eye monster


3 fantasy pack mules

2 evil trees

2 Hero Forge heroes

For a total of 34


The main plan for this month was to get all the Nighthaunts I have from Mortal Realms finished and to try and keep on top of anything that was printed.

10 chainrasps

8 Glaivewraith Stalkers

4 Myrmourn Banshees

1 Tomb Banshee


1 Tiger

4 Hero Forge heroes

9  Graven Guilds kickstarter Hexton Hills tiles

5 RPG animals Adventures

For a total of  43

Giving a final total of bought/made 165  painted 121

2 Hero Forge models had been missed from the photo section.

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