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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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The Painted Army List So Far

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 5
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The Painted Army List So Far

Here is the army list for the painted total so far. Not too bad as the army was only meant to be 2000 point strong and not I am past 2500 point. I still has a few units I want to add and a couple of more I need to add and a few i would like to add. I am enjoying this build and project cannot wait to the Perry open to add a few more bits.

So here is the army list as it stands.

The Painted Army List

Kingdoms of Men

Shield Wall

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      [100]

Pole-Arms Block 1

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      [105]

Crushing Strength (1)

Pole-Arms Block 2

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      [105]

Crushing Strength (1)

Spear Phalanx 1

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      120

Exchange Spears for Pikes, gaining Ensnare              20


Phalanx, Ensnare

Spear Phalanx 2

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      120

Exchange Spears for Pikes, gaining Ensnare              20


Phalanx, Ensnare

Foot Guard 1

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      135

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons, lowering Defence to 4+ and gaining Crushing Strength (1)


Foot Guard 2

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      135

Exchange shields for two-handed weapons, lowering Defence to 4+ and gaining Crushing Strength (1)


Crossbow Block 1

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(20)      [115]

Crossbows (24″, Piercing (1), Pot Shot)

Crossbow Block 2

Regiment(20)      115

Exchange Crossbows for Rifles: 24″, Piercing (2), Pot Shot   15



Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(10)      [195]

Headstrong, Thunderous Charge (2)

Mounted Sergeants

Unit Size              Pts

Regiment(10)      [150]

Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1)


Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [100]

Cannon (48″, Blast (D3+1), Ignores Cover, Piercing (3), Reload, Shattering), Grapeshot (12″, Att: 10, Piercing (1) – This attack always hits on a 6+)


Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [220]

Brutal, Crushing Strength (2), Strider, Thunderous Charge (2)


Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [225]

Brutal, Crushing Strength (4), Fury, Strider

General on Winged Beast

Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [190]

Crushing Strength (2), Fly, Nimble, Thunderous Charge (1), Very Inspiring

Army Standard Bearer

Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [50]

Individual, Very Inspiring

Hero on Pegasus

Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [90]

Crushing Strength (1), Fly, Nimble

Wizard 1, Spellcaster: 1

Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [50]


Spells: Fireball (6)

Wizard 2, Spellcaster: 1

Unit Size              Pts

1             1             50

Replace Fireball (6) with Lightning Bolt (3)                   0



Spells: Lightning Bolt (3)

The Captain

Unit Size              Pts

1       1             [120]

Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Master Tactician, Mighty, Rallying (1), Very Inspiring


Total Unit Strength: 35

Total Units: 20

Total Points: 2545 

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