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Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Marvel: Crisis Protocol

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Captain America took Gold!!!

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 8

So I just got word back on the painting competition and it turns out my Captain America won gold! This put him in the top 3 of the competition for that category with another gold medalist with an incredibly smoothly painted Captian Marvel and with the overall winner of the competition, who painted an amazingly well detailed M.O.D.O.K. complete with NMM gold.

As proud as I am of my work on Cap, I had no idea it would do this well, so this pretty much made my weekend.

Hobby wise I’ve been working on the Wave 6 of the Walking Dead minis (progress is on that blog), but once those are complete, I’m back to knocking out terrain for MCP, then the plan is to post new pics of the minis with proper backgrounds. Then, finally, I’ll be able to start working on all the expansion characters I’ve been itching to get to.

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Cult of Games Member

Congrats on the prize! Well deserved. I’m still envious of your work on his shield.

Keep producing such great paint work.

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