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Ork Expansion

Ork Expansion

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The next stage was to add some decals.

As is the norm, I floated these off in some warm water and applied them to the model (the panels gloss varnished in the previous step).  I’ve used Micro Sol and Micro Set.  This was probably overkill given that the surfaces they’ve been applied to are pretty flat but seeing as I have them I thought I might as well use them to get as good a finish as possible.  Looking at the dried decals now I think that was a good move as, on the whole, the silvery edges that you can get with decals are not noticeable.

Here you can see my ancient go to decal floating Tupperware bowl.Here you can see my ancient go to decal floating Tupperware bowl.

Rather than using Ork decals, I’ve raided my decal box for enemy decals to attach to contine the narrative of the Ork Meks constructing the Stompa from salvaged scrap.

As you can see, the decals are not orientated as they would be on Imperial vehicles; the Orks would be slapping the panels together as they see fit.

All of the decals were attached by lifting them and applying with a brush (some of the larger ones required a larger brush to prevent them from rolling up).  A few were attached overlapping the edges of panels.  Once dried and a bit crispy these were trimmed flush to the panel using a sharp hobby knife.

Still looking quite garish at the moment, I’m hoping the next stage is where things will start to improve, everything will start coming together and I might look like I have some sort of idea what I’m doing…

Decals haphazardly attached.Decals haphazardly attached.

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I hardly ever use micro set and micro sol. But I always layer gloss varnish, as that removes the silvering, the solutions don’t. I really love the look of the imperial armour chopped up for the ork

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