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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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Augusto Verde, Viscount-Elector of Turmodestone forces

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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As this army evolves so does the names, histories and background of this army evolve. I am trying to fix it into the wonderful background that Mantic has created and also add my own flavour to them too. So has the army grows and evolves, so should the background and histories of the Valatinate Army evolve.

So here comes the histories of Augusto Verde, Viscount-Elector of Turmodestone.

Augusto Verde’s forces are the back bone of the Valatinate forces with the force being made of the most modern of equipment, armour and arms. They are armed with pikes, crossbows and handguns and are the central battle of the Valatinate Army when on the field. Schooled in the aggressive defence, they will advance to a position and hold it until a time when it is right advance and finish off the enemy. These troops are sometimes hired out by Augusto Verde as mercenaries to other lords and realms.

Augusto Verde and forces hail from the Duchy of Sathoi and thus are not truly from the Valatinate but rather are mercenaries but paid by Augusto Verde. Augusto Verde has the Valatinate title of Viscount-Elector of Turmodestone and is thus holds one of the elected titles of the Valatinate.

Viscount-Elector’s Regiments are:

Valintini Karabiniarii

These for the elite unit in Augusto’s force, armed with the latest invention, black powder and are trained in to use. The Regimental Livery is Blue and Green.

Augusto Verde’s Balestriarii, Le Canarie

The Balestriarii use the crossbow rather than the bow or the handgun. These are trained like the Karabiniarii to fight supporting the pike block as well as fighting independently. The Regimental Livery is Yellow and Green and this livery has given them the nickname of Le Canarie, The Canaries.

Il Luccio Nero, Menta Cioccolato

The Il Luccio Nero or The Black Pike is one of two regiments of pike blocks in Augusto Verde’s force. Like the Karabiniarii and the Balestriarii, The Black Pike are trained to fight with wither or both missile troops regiments or on their own, independently. Also they are trained to fight with their sister pike regiment too. The Regimental Livery is Black and Green and this has given them the name of Menta Cioccolato, the Mint Chocolates, after a Sathoi famous dessert.

Il Luccio Rosso, Il Primo

The Il Luccio Rosso or The Red Pike is the second regiment of pike blocks in Augusto Verde’s force and it is his first regiment he formed. The Il Primo or The First, act as Viscount-Elector of Turmodestone personally bodyguard at times went he needs them to. They are trained as the Il Luccio Nero. The Regimental Livery is Red and Green.

Augustinii Artiglieria

The Augustinii Artiglieria uses the black powder cannon rather than the older ballista from the rest of the Valatinate. As is fitting the modern age arm of the Valatinate army these are trained to work with the firearms and pike element of the Viscount-Elector’s forces as well as working independently. It has been known that the whole force to be hired out. The Regimental Livery is Red and Black.

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