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Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

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The Final Result

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 13
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Basecoat with Desert Yellow, Steel legion Drab and Cadian Flesh

Wash with Strong Tone

Highlight with a 50/50 Mix of Desert Yellowa nd Matt White.

Highlight Socks and Hat with Zandri Dust

Highlight Boots and Canteen with Flat Earth

Highlight Webbing with Ivory

Highlight Skin with Kislev Flesh and Wash with Flesh Wash for a Sunburnt effect.

Rifle is base coated with Rakarth Flesh washed with Snakebite leather and pick out the Metallics.

The Final Result
The Final Result
The Final Result
The British might stick a The British might stick a "Fag" in their mouth but us Aussies aren't so crass. We prefer to call them a "Durrie" or a "Dart"
The Final Result

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