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WW3:TY Soviets

WW3:TY Soviets

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Phase 2: Time to do a proper job

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 5
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2a) Hinds [completed]
Just finished the Hinds as I open this project, but I’ll retrospectively go through that process with a few pointers for these tricky models.

2b) Frogfoots [completed]
All 4 Frogfeet ready for battle.

2c) T64s [started]
The core armoured vehicles in the collection. Collected through three Yuri’s Wolves boxes (TSUAB3) giving me 15x T64s. Originally built and primed 7 for first game, but all 15 now in sync

2d) BMPs [started]
To the 6 BMPs from the Yuri boxes I added a box of 5x  BMPs, 10 of which will be BMP2s to have a decent size Motor Rifle platoon and one will be a BMP1 to be an observation vehicle (see 2e).  originally did 4 gor first outing, but now all 10 up to same level.

2e) Artillery & AA Support units [started]

3x Carnations, 2x Gophers SAM and 1x BMP-1 Observer, now referred to as a PRP-4 (which is what it would be).

Tempted to add more options, but going to at least finish the Phase 2 before I’m tempted,

2f) Infantry

1x Motor Rifle Company box (for use with BMP-2s)

1x Motor Rifle Platoon blister (For Hind Assault Company)

1x Motot Rifle Heavy Weapons… not very useful for this build!

Anyone getting the impression I’m leaving these to last?

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