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Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

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The final frog folk

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9

Similar to the previous frog men these are basically a base glaze allowing the sketch/zenith to show through then picking out some detail and using a series of washes, heavy and light, to complete and tie everything together.

A thin glaze of yellow bellys with green over provides a quick baseA thin glaze of yellow bellys with green over provides a quick base
Lloyd shot. pardon the shine will matte them all at once at the endLloyd shot. pardon the shine will matte them all at once at the end
A bit of wet gazing on the giant frog tongue and mouth area was employed to get the graduationsA bit of wet gazing on the giant frog tongue and mouth area was employed to get the graduations

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pafetikbazerkaDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice finish on those frog! ??

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