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Harry Potter miniature adventure game

Harry Potter miniature adventure game

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Highlights and shades part 1

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 6
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A short update on painting today

Progress has been rather slow… that is to say none, last week. Some much needed time with the loved ones followed by the arrival of my new 3d printer distracted me for some days. But the hobby-mind keeps working, also in off-hours and I was pondering the current state of the minis. Since my last update I put on a quick wash of GW Reikland Fleshshade on the faces and hair and didn’t like it at all. It just didn’t feel right for the minis. And if it doesn’t feel right, it has to be changed. So I went in again with the basic skintone and did the shading with regular paint instead of washes. I also tried to clean up Harry’s face a bit with a sharp hobby knife, which sounds a lot more like a Martin Scorsese mafia drama then it actually is. 🙂 It didn’t make a lot of difference but I felt better for doing it.

On with the show

Rather than following someone else’s recipe this time, I went with my own feeling and picked highlights and shades from my collection of paints, starting from the base colours chosen  for the last step. I’m not done so it’s a halfway step. All colours used can be seen in the image below but I’ll also add a list. For now, the skin, shirts, jumpers and red linings of the cloaks (except Ron’s) are done. I might go back in when it’s all done and adjust where needed.

Lessons learned

Layering on transitions takes a very long time. I mixed my paints a bit too translucent, which doesn’t work well over dark colours. I need to practice my wet blending which hopefully could speed things up a bit.

Next up:

Highlights and shades part 2.

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