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The road to Normandy (and beyond?)

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Taking the first steps

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Skill 2
Idea 3

So, Flames of War is a game that’s been on my radar for a while, even picked up the old starter set in college, but it’s not a game I ever really paid attention to until a week & a half ago, when I started watching unboxings & other videos to kill some time. Then my hand slipped, and wouldn’t you know it, an order was placed. That arrived today.

A 'modest' start to thingsA 'modest' start to things

So I picked up the Panzer Kampfgruppe & Desert Rats Squadron boxes for the Germans & British respectively. There’s 100 points in each box, which as far as I can tell is the new standard, which is pretty sweet for how cheap they are. A mate of mine is interested, and they do a cheap set of 2d D-Day terrain, so that’s a goal to work for, and thanks to Pete The Wargamer on youtube, one that looks very quick & easy to achieve. Weather right now’s pretty rotten, and these definitely seem the kind of minis that are easier painted in sub assemblies, so next step is to take my time, plan things out, and then work in a disciplined, organised fashion……..

Or that works too, I guess.Or that works too, I guess.

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Doug PortmanianmJason McLeod Recent comment authors
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Great start, would suggest you seriously consider the Hit the Beaches starter set too, that is amazing value and would go with your forces here to expand them with a few more options, the Americans could be used with the British, you get a LOT of bang for your buck in that set!


Excellent starting point, I look forward to seeing the progress

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