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Getting in to 3D Printing in the April 2020 Lockdown

Getting in to 3D Printing in the April 2020 Lockdown

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I ordered my printer on Monday 27/4/20 late at night from Anycubic3dcom on ebay.  Tuesday morning i got an email saying they were upgrading my sample resin pot to 500ml on top of the 3 litres I bought, but the resin would be arriving in a separate delivery.  It’s Wednesday and this morning I got an email with tracking details.  It’s currently saying it’s coming by Yodel and they have yet to collect the parcel.

The printer is currently in my living room having just been delivered by DHL.  It has “This Way Up” on the side, but because the address was printed the other way around it arrived upside down.  There is no resin in the box so I can’t start printing yet, but I’ve something.  hopefully the Yodel box is the resin and will arrive soon.  Not being able to print before the weekend is probably for the best so I can focus on finished off my final 30 Mythic Battles minis.

Everything in the boxEverything in the box

£240 approx for the machine and the damn thing wobbles!  The feet are uneven.  I’ve tried multiple surfaces and screwed the feet in tight and its still wobbling.  Its also packed so tightly with foam inside I can’t get it out.  i don’t want to tug too hard or cut it for fear I damage something.

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lawnorChris Holden Recent comment authors
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I forgot, but mine came with that white foamy packaging and it really was stuffed inside. Personally I think this gave it better chance of arriving undamaged. I cut mine out in a couple of parts (if the resin vat isn’t already separate, be careful near the bottom!) To level the machine, I wound all the feet all the way in, then wound each one down, as necessary, to make contact with the tabletop. It’s now rock-solid. It’s not necessary to get the machine absolutely 100% perfectly level in all axes (it just means the resin won’t sit perfectly level… Read more »

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