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Mini-making On the Move

Mini-making On the Move

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Just a passing thought

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Downsizing yet again I am starting to take photos of all the work and ruminations I collected in my old sketchbooks in order to turn and throw them out. It reminded me of once when I was in highschool and my art teacher had me draw sketch after sketch during class and throw each one out once it was done. I had put some amount of effort into the pieces and I was personally invested. I think this seems more raw because I am doing it myself and stripping away things of the past I’ve carried beginning nearly 15 years ago.

This is hard to remove things that I have believed I was attached to. I think it is better as a reminder that I want to do more with my hobby and allow my past to fade away as surely I will someday. The practical application is that I literally carry less. Emotionally I think this is good as it is less tragic than a sudden fire in the home that is beyond one’s control.

Delving back into zen philosophy, stoicism and some basic Taoism I think there’s a lot to be said about simplicity. In the current world situation and in my own life there is change. I think about how lucky we all are to enjoy the luxury of this hobby. All the time, money and effort on playing with toys is not all something to be sneezed at. We are a social lot that agrees on rules for imaginary worlds between each other and egg each other on in pursuit of fun. Time and technology has allowed us to make more interesting things. I think I’ve come to a point of saying I like and want some things and don’t need others. This allows me the chance to enjoy that which I’ve gotten.

It seems a little convoluted to get to the point where the post meets the minis but it all comes together for all of us. How much effort do we put into build/painting/playing? Making the best use of time for these things we love and finding a time to pass them on is crucial to be healthy. I wish the best for all my fellow gamers.

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