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15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

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Building the base

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’d left the base as in the picture below, with the walls glued down and the stones painted and washed.

Building the base

I need to start building out the grassy area and attaching the tomb stones. For this, I will be using Polyfilla. I’m also hoping that the resin walls will stop the base from warping as the Polyfilla dries….

I’ve marked out where the chapel will sit so that I don’t put Polyfilla over this area. I’ve decided to not glue the chapel down so that it can be used independently but want to make it look as if it is part of the terrain piece once it is in place. So having the Polyfilla up to the chapel, but not under it, should create that effect.

I’m applying the Polyfilla with a trusty blunt knife and then smoothing it out with a wet finger, taking care to remove the excess water with a paper towel.

Building the base

The central part of the terrain will leave the ‘stones’ exposed to create a path. I’ll complete each side separately and let it dry to avoid warping problems.

I’ve pushed the tomb stones into the Polyfilla and once it is dry, I’ll add some superglue to give them more strength.

Building the base

To further try to avoid warping, I’ve put some damp kitchen paper over the top

Building the base

It took about 24 hours for each area to dry fully. Here’s the completed base all ready for a base coat.

Building the base

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