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Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard

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How I do it

Tutoring 6
Skill 4
Idea 4
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A quick few pics on how I do it. Not how to do it, just how I do. I’m trying to bash these out quickish so I’m using as few paints as possible. I’ve bunched them into two groups: everything that gets a black wash and skin tone.

All these colours get a black wash.All these colours get a black wash.
These are the flesh colours.These are the flesh colours.

I begin with the bare plastic model, texture the base, prime (a brush primer for a plastic model) and paint the base. Painting the base means no excuses for skipping it, and I can make a mess drybrushing before I’ve put on the actual colours.

With the base done I move on to the first set of base coats (i.e. most of the model). I start with Model Air Nato Black. This is a really dark grey, which will show some definition when I wash it. I continue with Model Colour Medium Olive, a nice bright olive green for the trousers and jacket. I pick out the aquilas in Model Colour Khaki and a few metal bits in Model Air Gun Grey. I then slop a load of black ink on.

After the wash has dried I reclaim some raised areas with Medium Olive again. No further highlights.

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