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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Horses and Contrast paint

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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As I have a lot of horses to pain, and the whole point of this Spring Clean challenge is to get as many units painted and on the table as possible, I am looking for a simple, but reasonably effective solution.

Some time ago I bought a brown contrast paint from GW (Cygor Brown) with the intention of trying it on another project (which hasn’t as yet started!), so I thought this might be a solution. I was advised to paint it straight from the pot, although some dilution was possible.  I was also told that the underlying base paint would influence the final colour.

With this in mind I used the three primer paint spray cans I had (From GW: Corax White and Wraith Bone, and from Army painter their Skeleton bone).  I sampled six horses with the primers – two of each colour.

I then painted one of each set with undiluted Contrast paint, and the other with a slightly diluted paint. Probably about 60/40 paint to water.  The effect was interesting.  At least to my aging eyes, there was hardly any difference between the colours on the three test horses with the pure paint. But the diluted paint appears to me to show some variations.  (See pictures)

So I charged ahead and painted up some more. I think that the Skeleton bone has the best affect with the contrast paint and with a dilution of 60/40 this works for me.  I tried it with more dilution and this became too runny and mottled effect.  Did not look good at all.  Some picture below of the horses painted using this method so far.  As a group I think they pass muster. I will continue experimenting with different undercoats to see what effect they have.  In passing, Black undercoat doesn’t help!  Hardly any contrast to me.


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