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15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

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Stained glass windows

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Rather than have gaping holes where the windows should be, I’d like to put something in there. To this end, I’m going to try to make some stained glass windows.

At this scale, trying anything too detailed isn’t going to be possible for the simple reason that my artistic skills just won’t cut it. So I’m going to aim for an approximation of stained glass windows.

I’m going to try to use nail varnish on plastic to recreate the look. I raided my daughter’s bedroom and came up with the following

Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's.....Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's.....
Stained glass windows

The plastic I’m using is just cut up plastic packaging that supermarkets seem to love putting things in.

Starting with the black, I’ve painted lead frames. Once this dried, I went in with the colours and blobbed these in between. Once dry, it creates a translucent look.

Stained glass windows
Stained glass windows

All I can say, is that nail varnish is the worst ‘paint’ that I have ever worked with. I swore a lot. I really wouldn’t recommend it and if I need to do this again in the future, I think it would be easier to print out a real stain glass window at the right scale and use that.

Once all the nail varnish was dry, I applied a gloss varnish over the top and then stuck this to the inside of the chapel

Stained glass windows

The size of the glass is too big for the scale of the chapel but I quite like the look and it’s definitely better than the gaping holes that were there before

Stained glass windows
Stained glass windows

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