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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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MaiGogmagog the Giant

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
MaiGogmagog the Giant

Here is the backbone of my Kingdom of Men army, my hard hitter, the hammer and unlike the rest of my army I have not based him on any War of the Roses unit, surprisingly enough.

Instead I have gone for a generic giant type as this way I can use the giant in other armies and forces if I need to. I have to say that the Mantic Games Giant is amazing, it has different heads and arms options and it is big, I mean big, its about 8 to 9 inches tall. It is details too and the quality is amazing, especially compared to previous Mantic models. I would say it is the best giant model around.

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panzerkaputtorrosAvernos Recent comment authors
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lovely work and the big fella is a bargin at £25 as well, I’m annoyed I only picked up 2 and one of those is frost giant.

Cult of Games Member

You’ve done a great job Pete

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