PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge
MaiGogmagog the Giant
Here is the backbone of my Kingdom of Men army, my hard hitter, the hammer and unlike the rest of my army I have not based him on any War of the Roses unit, surprisingly enough.
Instead I have gone for a generic giant type as this way I can use the giant in other armies and forces if I need to. I have to say that the Mantic Games Giant is amazing, it has different heads and arms options and it is big, I mean big, its about 8 to 9 inches tall. It is details too and the quality is amazing, especially compared to previous Mantic models. I would say it is the best giant model around.
lovely work and the big fella is a bargin at £25 as well, I’m annoyed I only picked up 2 and one of those is frost giant.
Such a bargain at 25 nicker it is unreal,
You’ve done a great job Pete
thank you very much @torros