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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Based with VMC Dark Rust,washed with Nuln Oil and drybrushed with P3 Bootstrap LeatherBased with VMC Dark Rust,washed with Nuln Oil and drybrushed with P3 Bootstrap Leather
Male Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh.  Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green.  Wash with Skorne Red and Battledress Green.  Highlight with Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh.Male Skin: Base with P3 Midlund Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Skorne Flesh. Wash with Midlund Flesh and P3 Battledress Green. Wash with Skorne Red and Battledress Green. Highlight with Midlund Flesh mixed with P3 Ryn Flesh.
High Gold: Undercoat brown.  Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass.  Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel.  High Gold: Undercoat brown. Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass. Iron: Base with P3 Pig Iron, wash with GW Nuln Oil and highlight with P3 Cold Steel.
White Cloth: Base with Andrea Colour White 1 Base.  Add a little White 6 Shadow 2 and shade. Add deeper shades with pure Shadow.  Highlight up by mixing Base and White 3 Light 2 and finally with just Light 2.  Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide.  White Cloth: Base with Andrea Colour White 1 Base. Add a little White 6 Shadow 2 and shade. Add deeper shades with pure Shadow. Highlight up by mixing Base and White 3 Light 2 and finally with just Light 2. Mid tone leather: Base with Colour Party Paints MA41 Oakstaff, or any standard leather, wash with Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with P3 Beast Hide.
All done.All done.

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