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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Zenithal preshaded, then painted with GW Contrast Black Templar and drybrushed with P3 Coal Black.  My first time using contrast.  Not too shabby, although the black is actually very dark green, so dark you can't tell on most of the surfaceZenithal preshaded, then painted with GW Contrast Black Templar and drybrushed with P3 Coal Black. My first time using contrast. Not too shabby, although the black is actually very dark green, so dark you can't tell on most of the surface
Creepy Skin: Base with P3 Ryn Flesh, P3 Carnal Pink and P3 Trollblood Highlight.  Wash with the base mixed with P3 Traitor Green.  Wash with previous mix with added P3 Beaten Purple.  Wash with Beaten Purple, Traitor Green and Midlund Flesh mix.  Highlight with Ryn Flesh, Carnal Pink and Menoth White Highlight mix.Creepy Skin: Base with P3 Ryn Flesh, P3 Carnal Pink and P3 Trollblood Highlight. Wash with the base mixed with P3 Traitor Green. Wash with previous mix with added P3 Beaten Purple. Wash with Beaten Purple, Traitor Green and Midlund Flesh mix. Highlight with Ryn Flesh, Carnal Pink and Menoth White Highlight mix.
High Gold: Undercoat brown.  Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass.  High Gold: Undercoat brown. Base with AK Old Brass, wash with GSW Pecaton Flesh and highlight with AK Brass.
The snakes were painted the same as the previous serpents with the base colour of VMC 70.922 Uniform Green and now she's done.The snakes were painted the same as the previous serpents with the base colour of VMC 70.922 Uniform Green and now she's done.

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