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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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MBP: The Return - Spring Cleaning Challenge 2020 From This Point

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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It’s been 6 months since I last touched this project (Making it the very definition of a spring cleaning project.  I’m going back to something I abandoned a while ago).  I have a gap in my painting queue and this is the largest single project I have left in the house so it’s time to paint the remaining 30 models.  Everyone was based a year ago and I primed them up last week.  Over the past few days I’ve split them in to groups based on what colour I want to airbrush on them and I’ve now mostly done that airbrushing.

Some models just have a base colour on them, some have a few layers of shade and highlight.  The Man scorpion (Campe?) had black contrast paint applied.  I’ve never used the stuff before.  It appears to be very dark green/turquoise and has worked well.  I’ll give it a drybrush highlight of p3 coal black and call that colour finished.  A few models need washes and then perhaps airbrushing highlights later.  One of the perks of bulk painting is I don’t have to wait for a wash to dry.  I can apply all the different washes and go paint something else and then do all the remaining airbrushing in the same afternoon.

From this point on each model will be given its own project entry and I’ll update that entry as progress is made, rather than create separate entries for each days work.

I am very tempted to pick up a 3D printer next month and having this finished would make me feel better about opening the door to more unpainted plastic turning up.

30 MB:P models (And one zombie hunting school girl, because I was already painting white cloth)30 MB:P models (And one zombie hunting school girl, because I was already painting white cloth)

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