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A Project too Far? - British Paras for Bolt Action

A Project too Far? - British Paras for Bolt Action

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The Miniatures: Classics from Warlord

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 14
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A ten man section - A fair few of these chaps are dropping on the painting table!A ten man section - A fair few of these chaps are dropping on the painting table!

So i’ll come clean from the start. This project has been in the works for a while, roughly a year, but the momentum has dwindled. Alas uni , life  and *cough* other miniatures *cough* got in the way…a reality of the hobby i’m sure we all experience.

But with all this spare time on our hands, it seems like the perfect time to rekindle the flame, and get a hefty pile of lead shifted, suited and looking presentable. The lead in question? Metal paras from Warlord – a charming and characterful collection of veteran brits.

Although a perfectly good plastic kit is available from warlord, I found that scale-wise the plastics and metal models didn’t fit together. The proportions are just a bit too different for my taste…so I would bare this in mind if you also are thinking about combining metal and plastic. This meant an all metal force was on the cards…and I was only too happy to go all in…the miniatures really are class.

Although sadly much of the old metal range is now out of production, you can still purchase a full section from the Warlord Website. Also some have been re-branded as the polish airborne, so i’d recommend scanning over the poles page on the website. Luckily I was able to pick up most of the ‘rare’ sculpts just as they were being phased out.

So, miniatures secured…time to get painting. Also, if anyone uses British Paras in their games, and has suggestions for army lists they have had success with, stick them in the comments.

Cheers chaps.

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