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Infinity Spring Cleaning

Infinity Spring Cleaning

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Base coat bases

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 9
You heard me right! Got distracted by my Death Ray Designs bases that I bought oh so many years ago (I.e. 1 year. Really. 1). Now to do some weathering. Used the base colors that I settled on for the troops You heard me right! Got distracted by my Death Ray Designs bases that I bought oh so many years ago (I.e. 1 year. Really. 1). Now to do some weathering. Used the base colors that I settled on for the troops

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Joshcaptainventanus Recent comment authors
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You’ve done a tremendous job is such a short time, pretty impressive. I do like that bases. I have to ask a question though as I’ve got to pretty much the same thing with my Infinity figures. Right at the beginning you based the figures by cutting down the tabs and so in effect pinning them to the bases which makes sense as its sturdier. Here though you have painted up the bases completely so are you just sticking down the miniatures with superglue? Is that enough? Or am I missing something.

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