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Ork Expansion

Ork Expansion

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Decision Time

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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As much as I was so, so tempted to go with the bikers, I thought I’d best ease myself back in with something that I thought was a bit more straightforward.

After discounting the bikes there was only really one option to go for; the ruddy great Stompa!


I some sort of fit of madness I thought that, for some reason, I’d give myself even more of a challenge and take on the Grots too.  Given that I’m working from home, I thought these might be a good option as if I find myself with a couple of spare minutes I can add a colour to a mini or two and chip away at them that way.

This may prove to be a terrible decision but if in a reasonable timeframe I manage to add the biggest mini and units of the smallest mini in the range to the army I think they’ll be good additions.

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