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Brisket Bust by Broken Toad: Lawnor's first ever bust (& a cheeky attempt at winning the Spring Cleaning comp)

Brisket Bust by Broken Toad: Lawnor's first ever bust (& a cheeky attempt at winning the Spring Cleaning comp)

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Assembly and repairs

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
Gah!  Damage!Gah! Damage!

I’ve had 3 people say she’s good to go and no one say I should retry the gold so I’ve assembled her.  Once built I noticed that there is a new scratch or crack or something on her left arm.  I was hoping it was a hair but it wouldn’t wash or brush off.  I mixed up some more of the base tone and tried to paint over it.  It didn’t seem to be taking so I put 2 coats of gloss varnish over it to fill the crack.  It painted over better after that.  I then added more Caramel to re-apply a highlight, and then more Sunburnt Flesh to make a shade, which I turned in to a glaze in the end and applied over the whole area a few times.  I think I’ve recovered.

Successfully repaired?  I've just noticed that white dot on her left breast which cannot be seen outside of zoomed in photos.  I've mixed up a glaze of the highlight tone and I think I've gotten rid of it now too.Successfully repaired? I've just noticed that white dot on her left breast which cannot be seen outside of zoomed in photos. I've mixed up a glaze of the highlight tone and I think I've gotten rid of it now too.

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Cult of Games Member

That’s it! You’ve drove to search eBay and the rest of the Internet to find my own Brisket Bust.

Fantastic work by the way! ??

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