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Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

Hellboy (an old Spring Clean Challenge)

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Minions, Monsters and Heros

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 11
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So I have determined my method but I still have to make it work with a large number of minis to be painted. I scratch myself, wonder, and realize I have little specific experience to weigh any decision on. I decide to start at the start and make it up as I go along. The first decision I make is to use the frogmen with each step as experimental rats so to speak to gauge the effectiveness of each part of process.

I give everything a black undercoat and start with a cool grey before the warm white, get through the frogmen and larger Monsters but wonder if I haven’t gone to heavy, and too light early on given I still have a lighter layer to go. I drop my cool grey back a shade or two and feel more comfortable moving forward.

Black, the light gery, Opps I'll make that darkerBlack, the light gery, Opps I'll make that darker

If your wondering why all the little steel plates, I had a moment in my re-enacting career about a decade ago where I started making a coat of steel lamellar. This is where magnetizing the bases comes into its own as I can easily move the miniatures onto tighter bases to maintain the angle of spray for each coat of successive layers.

All models with Black primer, cool mid grey@ 45-30 degrees to vertical and warm white @0-30 verticalAll models with Black primer, cool mid grey@ 45-30 degrees to vertical and warm white @0-30 vertical
I admit much of the airbrushed transitions worked really really well but a few details were lost. I probably could pick it up later but I also want to see just how far I can push the sketch paint plus glaze technique. I’m also aware that Imight reduce the chalky dry brushing if I highlight then pin wash but I have a lot of minis here so I decide I’ll black wash then dry brush ‘minions’ ready for painting,, but dry brush then pin wash the hero’s and Monsters and be prepared to do a bit of back and forth to get them nice and crisp.I admit much of the airbrushed transitions worked really really well but a few details were lost. I probably could pick it up later but I also want to see just how far I can push the sketch paint plus glaze technique. I’m also aware that Imight reduce the chalky dry brushing if I highlight then pin wash but I have a lot of minis here so I decide I’ll black wash then dry brush ‘minions’ ready for painting,, but dry brush then pin wash the hero’s and Monsters and be prepared to do a bit of back and forth to get them nice and crisp.
All minis now primed with zenith and all Frogmen and Nazis sketch washed and dry brushed. Not bad for a week ends workAll minis now primed with zenith and all Frogmen and Nazis sketch washed and dry brushed. Not bad for a week ends work

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