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Bob's Reichbusters

Bob's Reichbusters

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And even more

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Pace has slowed down , but have mades a dent in the cargo box figures, only 8 figures to do now, then can start on ‘Not of this Earth( bar the big guy).

I carried on with the mechanics  block painted apart from apron which was done with Apothecary white contrast , then Army Painter Dark Tone wash.

And even more

I then cracked on with the Alt skulpt Guards , went for bodyguard SS look in black  using Contrast Black Templar  as thought they would be quicker  but got carried away with white insignia so plan got lost in practice.

And even more

And here are a pile of items awaiting the base colours on bases dry before finishing.

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