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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex Regiment of Pike.

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 6

This is the ninth unit and the eight regiment to be completed in this challenge and these are Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex, Regiment of Pike. Again the banner for this regiment is based on a real banner from the war of the Roses, Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex.

Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex Regiment of Pike.
Henry Bouchier, Earl of Essex Regiment of Pike.

I have based the livery colours for the regiment on the colours in Henry Bouchier Earl of Essex banner, green and black and not according to popular belief Mint Choc Chip gelato. For the black I have used Vallejo Model Colour German Grey and for the green I have used the same colour green as the other regiment of pike Vallejo Game Colour Foul Green, so if I field them as a horde the colours will unify them.

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Cult of Games Member

Really knocking them out!

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