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Mongolian Fantasy Army

Mongolian Fantasy Army

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A Caster with a Pedigree

Tutoring 2
Skill 8
Idea 11
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I have been thinking hard about adding a caster to this army, and there was clearly only one choice of who I could base him on.

Egg Shen Bitches!!!

A Caster with a Pedigree

Of course, is well detailed in the historical records that old Egg Shen here carries around the ancient 6 Demon Bag!!! Muah ha ha haaaaaa.

So if I’m having a Mongol caster with a huge hairy bag what is he gonna produce???

His huge balls of death of course!!!

A Caster with a Pedigree

*Huge thanks again to Chris Nicholls at Macrocosm for letting me get my hands on his balls.

Hit him up if you would like to grab them yourself!

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Cult of Games Member

@warzan then you need a bodyguard for your leader of the three storms

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