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Spring Cleaning the Wasteland

Spring Cleaning the Wasteland

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Wastelanders Settle

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 11

With the introduction of Wastelanders into Fallout 76, it’s all about the settlement and I’ve a few more scenic pieces to paint before I’ve cleared the backlog – should be a quick job!

The settlement needs workbenches and defenses!The settlement needs workbenches and defenses!

I thought I’d experiment with a white primer this time to compare the effect. Also because some of these workbenches have some quite bright colours on them (don’t fancy trying to work a dark primer up to yellow!) Spoiler alert – I think the white prime  was good for the yellow, not sure I’d choose it again for the others.

Otherwise the method is the same as before:

1. Prime

2. Block in metals with a simple silver

3. Block in main workbench/turret colour

4. Pick out necessary details (only very necessary ones)

5. Sponge on some grey or brown damage

6. Black oil wash on the metals (cleaned up with makeup applicator and white spirit)

7. Heavy all over coat of Streaming Grime or Winter Streaking Grime (where I want the effect to be more green than brown i.e. on the turrets)

8. White spirit and sponges to remove the grime from surfaces. White spirit on a synthetic brush to tidy around details.

9. Base the turrets

10. Matt varnish – done!

Wastelanders Settle
Wastelanders Settle

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)zorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Wow just wow stunning work congratulations on the golden button.

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