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Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

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Sparypainting Commenced

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Weapon of choice for this project will be the Vallejo Malefic Flesh paint set thinned down with Vallejo airbrush thinner in somewhere between a 1:1 and 1:2 ratio depending on levels of ambient profanity re blockages and put through an airbrush pointed in the rough direction of the minis.

First up was Vallejo 74.011 Purple Shadow sprayed all over, focusing particularly on spraying each mini from underneath as this will be the shadow colour. Due to the fact I have a really cheap airbrush which was overdue for a solid clean this 2 hour job took about 4 hours to execute. My fault, I know better…

Purple Shadow onPurple Shadow on
Cavalry close-up...Cavalry close-up...
Infantry close-up...Infantry close-up...

Next up (a couple of days and a good airbrush cleaning later) was Vallejo 74.012 Malefic Flesh thinned in a 1:1 ratio sprayed from a zenithal through to about 45 degree angle to try and layer in a base for the skin tone.

Cav close-up 2...Cav close-up 2...
Infantry close-up 2...Infantry close-up 2...
Tools used....Tools used....

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