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Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

Spring Cleaning - Warhammer Fantasy Slaanesh

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Primed and Paint Going On

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3

Hit a bit of a wall with assembly so determined to park the unassembled stuff and maybe do a second trance of daemonettes later. So the bit I will be progressing with will be as follows:

  • 2 units of 10 mounted daemonettes with command (current edition models);
  • 3 units of 6 mounted daemonettes (6th ed metals);
  • 2 units of 15 daemonettes with command – current edition plastics with some parts swaps from Shieldwolf Minis Shieldmaiden kit);
  • One unit of 16 daemonettes with command  – older 6th ed metals with a command group using Raging Heroes mantis warriors minis;
  • one chariot;
  • One metal fiend (Appears at a cursory glance to be the same sculpt as the current edition plastics);
  • 16 furies – Using Confrontation Morbid Angel minis for these – Yep you know quarantine just got real when Evilstu opened the Confrontation vault…;
  • Some assorted Succubus mnis (one Confrontation and 3 Reaper) to use as characters/heralds; and,
  • A centrepiece large scale ‘Sophie’ succubus mini from Reaper to act as a Daemon Princess.

May add more in later but going to try and keep this project down to a manageable size if I can and we’re already north of 100 minis as it stands. Anyhow…

All restored and on square bases...All restored and on square bases...
Proxy Furies...Proxy Furies...
This is a Confrontation sculpt that is now probably about 20 years old... This is why we still mourn the loss of Confrontation...This is a Confrontation sculpt that is now probably about 20 years old... This is why we still mourn the loss of Confrontation...
And... White primer on. We're now in the painting phase :)And... White primer on. We're now in the painting phase :)

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evilstuhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I mourn the loss of Confrontation as well and parts of Hell Dorado. Thankfully The sculptor started up things with Signum Games and seems to be working well with more work coming out.

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