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Necromunda - the full set - Spring clean

Necromunda - the full set - Spring clean

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A catch up post

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A lot of my posts from my mobile have not been posted, so here is a catch up of what I have been doing the last few days.

I have completed the first 5 man squad. I have also completed all 10 what I think are objective markers from both box sets. There are 18 barricades which I have completed in the same weathered manner I am doing all the terrain.

Finally I have also completed one of the older pieces of terrain, and I will post a description of the steps and paints I used to complete it. The only issue I have now is that I have run out of the brown base paint and also ironbreaker. I am ordering some more but until it arrrives I have only got a few pieces of terrain I can do.

Until these arrive I will be going to the next batch of Enforcers.

Full 5 man Enforcers complete with basesFull 5 man Enforcers complete with bases

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