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15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

15mm Italian Chapel - Spring Clean Challenge

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Painting the walls

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

I’m going to paint the resin walls in the same colour as the chapel. I’ve primed them grey and then hit them with the Kobra Desert spray can. The earth area along the base I’ve painted Flat Earth as I’ll be flocking over this toward the end of the project. The single gate on one of the long walls I’ve painted goblin green, to add a little colour.

To start to add a little variation, I’ve given everything a dry brush with longbeard grey. I’ve applied a light dry brush over the vertical elements of the walls and gone heavier along the capping stones, wall edges and where the plaster has come away from the brickwork.

To shade, I’ve used some thinned down army painter strong tone and applied under the capping stones and where shadow would normally be.

Painting the walls
Painting the walls

To add a little more variation, I mixed up a thin green wash and applied it along the bottom of the walls to simulate a light moss or slime from the damp. As the wash dried, I kept going back in with a wet brush to keep moving the wash around and to try to vary the depth of colour across the wall. You can see the results in the above pictures.

Once everything was dry, I felt it needed a final wash to just darken it a little. Using some cheap brown acrylic, I mixed up a very thin wash and applied this over all of the walls, letting it settle wherever it liked. This is the final finish,

Painting the walls

Perhaps some of the bricks could do with some more attention but, as this is 15mm, you probably won’t see it unless you’re really getting in close.

Final step was to apply a matt varnish to protect everything.

I’ll be using superglue to attach the walls to the base but to provide a little more structure, I’ll attach a couple of pins into each base. I’ve used paper clips for the wire.

Painting the walls

And that’s the walls completed, ready to be mounted on the base.

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Cult of Games Member

@redvers – Great idea and execution for additional terrain. Will this wind up on your Monte Cassino tables?

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