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366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

366 in 2020 - A Hobby Pledge (NSFW)

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Cutter's Goose and friends 79/366

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

Here’s one for the teenagers.  Cutter’s Goose is the plane featured in Tales of the Gold Monkey which was a single pulp style TV series that appeared in 1982/3 in the wake of the first Indiana Jones movie.  The plane is a Czech Models 1/48th scale Grumman Goose.  It is a mixture of plastic and resin parts and was a pig to assemble, key areas don’t align and the resin parts are so fragile that many never made the final model.  I did find a set of decals from Draw Decals that made the final detailing easier, but they were a pain as they were so thin that they tore at the slightest provocation.  Overall I’m not sorry this one is finished.

The minis are from Pulp Figures, Buzz Barker's Island Hoppers with an addition of the Jake Cutter figure from the Rugged Heroes pack.  The characters on the right are the ones from the TV series, Jake the pilot in his Flying Tigers jacket, Corkie the mechanic and Jack the dog with his eye patch.The minis are from Pulp Figures, Buzz Barker's Island Hoppers with an addition of the Jake Cutter figure from the Rugged Heroes pack. The characters on the right are the ones from the TV series, Jake the pilot in his Flying Tigers jacket, Corkie the mechanic and Jack the dog with his eye patch.
Cutter's Goose and friends 79/366
Cutter's Goose and friends 79/366

Two of the miniatures have Flying Tiger jackets and the painted back panels came out better than I expected; I don’t do much freehand detail work.

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zoidpinheadkirk westbeld Recent comment authors
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IM glad you posted this and I saw this. I wanted to set up the same exact thing and was wondering if this grumman goose model was worth getting. Im very glad you listed where the models were from I need to find the dog.

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