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PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

PanzerKaput's Kings of War Spring Clean Challenge

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General Valentino, Lord Belgrave

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Next up is my Army General who will be coming on a horse, a Winged beast, a Hippogryff as well as on foot and this is the mounted on a horse version. General Antonio Valentino, Lord of Belgrave is the overall commander of the army with the others as sub commanders under him. The army is collectively known as The Bluebells or The Young Hearts, but know one knows why besides General Antonio Valentino.

General Valentino, Lord Belgrave
General Valentino, Lord Belgrave

I have gone for Gold coloured armour so he will stand out from the rest of the army and also when for gold coloured barding on the horse too to help it look that little more important.

I have gone for the Orange, blue and red theme in banner of General Antonio Valentino, Lord of Belgrave, a totally fictional Knight, using Vallejo Model Colour Gold for the gold, VMC Amaranth Red for the orange, VMC Ultramarine for the blue and Vallejo Game colour Blood Red for the red.

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Very cool!

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