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Wolf's Flames of war late war V4 update

Wolf's Flames of war late war V4 update

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Reinforcements are in!

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 8

Priviet Komrad!

God that is easy to say hello to anyone ain’t it?

Alright, well the first half of the last company for the Soviet Tank Battallion (31 tanks oh yeah) is finished! Sorry it took longer than I wanted but I kinda forgot to paint the company commander, and I didn’t want to take a snapshot with the unit half done 😛

The tank commander is fairly straight forward to paint:

Vallejo Luftwaffe Blue 816 for his overall

GW Chaos Black for the binocular

Vallejo Khaki Grey 880  for the tanker cap

Then GW Nuln oil wash on the painted parts

once that is done

Vallejo Beige Brown 875 for the skin

Then highlight the skin with Vallejo Flat Flesh 955

Then put a dab of pure white in your Vallejo Flat Flesh and do the last highlights on the skin.

Once that is done:

Vallejo Luftwaffe Blue 816 highlight on his overall

And for the tank cap, do a mix of 50/50 of Vallejo Khaki Grey 880 and Stone Grey 884 and touch up the details (saving that for after the skin also allows you to do touch ups if you messed up badly with the skin)

Then your proud Soviet tank commander is done 🙂


Of course the post wouldn’t be complete with the pictures



Reinforcements are in!
Reinforcements are in!
Reinforcements are in!

And also a @Lloyd shot 😛 also to show the marking at the end of the turret to differentiate this company from the others 🙂 and the lovely work on the exhaust



Reinforcements are in!

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wolfchoriskanyStephan van kotenpanzerkaput Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

They are looking amazing


They really look awesome!!!

Cult of Games Member

Epic score on this project @wolfch ! Congrats! And also congrats on getting a real-life FULL Soviet tank battalion on the table. 31! Not many people can say that! 😀

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