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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Commander Bases

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 8

The basing for the C-in-Cs is a little more complex.  The initial base – a 60 mm round – has a horse fixed initially.  The base is then given a more undulating surface by using DAS air drying clay to create more texture.  I just pressed the clay down firmly with my fingers and squished the clay about to add texture.

This is the first time I’ve used DAS so I was not sure how the final base would look. As the clay dried, I stood the minis in the positions I wanted them to indent the clay slightly.  Just enough to indicate when their feet would stand.

Each of the figures had their own bases trimmed off and a short piece of rod – actually this is an off cut from a paper clip – used as a mounting point. Once the DAS dried off (I left it a full 24 hours) I checked the positions again, and drilled holes in the base using a small hand drill. I guess a Dremel or similar would work just as well.

The surface was coated with two coats of watered down PVA (about 50/50 or 60/40 water to PVA, I didn’t measure it specifically). This was also allowed to dry fully for 24 hours.  Once set I painted the bases in a random way with acrylic paints, using brown and green (just what I had in).

Once fully dry, the figures were fixed into position with super glue and some flock added to finish off the base.

The size of the base isn’t particularly important, but they can be used in both the full Principles of War rules, and the condensed ones I developed for my son and I to play.

So, next step is to get a further 4/5 Foote regiments finished, then on to the cavalry – which I’m not looking forward to. I don’t like painting horses.

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applemakoriskanyAvernos Recent comment authors
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nobody likes painting horses, do you’re doing a fantastic job so far on these

Cult of Games Member

@applemak – indeed, cavalry is always a pain in the a$$. But these are coming out great. I was lucky enough to get my girlfriend to paint most of my horses for my AWI force. Great job on a army and era not often seen. 😀

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